Q: I’ve got a female friend who I made a pact with about 10 years ago. If we both reached the age of 35 and had no kids, we would have a baby together. We haven’t spoke in about four years because we live in different states, and we’ve been respectful to our partners. Our relationship is just a friendship, nothing sexual. About a month ago she contacted me on Facebook and asked me if we could revisit the pact we made to have a child. If she didn’t mention it, I probably would have never said anything. The man in feels like I made a promise, what should I do?
A: The best advice I can give you is live your life. Because ain’t no one coming into my space and my life talking about a “pact” and want me to change and uproot everything, no sir. Do you want to have a baby with this person at this point in your life? Are you still attracted to this person? Where is the baby going to live? Do ya’ll have to be in a relationship? Are you lonely? Having a baby is no easy task for both the man and the woman, so don’t take it lightly. Ya’ll are acting like you’re planning a vacation together and not the rest of your lives. After you really analyze situation, make your decision and don’t worry about her feelings. To me, she sound broke, dusty, and ugly. Like I’d be embarrassed to ask a man that I haven’t talked to in four years to get me pregnant. You can do better sir.
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