By China Boynton and Attiyya Atkins
Imagine being a student in an eSports class where you learn the mechanics of video gaming (and play a few video games), or an engineering class equipped with 3D printing computers, or a debate class fashioned like a real courtroom. This is Pompano Beach Middle School, thanks to the Integrated Career Academy Networks (iCAN) program.
Pompano Beach Middle is one of Broward County’s three iCAN middle schools, an innovative magnet school model that focuses on project-based and blended learning. It allows every student enrolled at the school to participate in a themed academy of their choice.
“You get to actually teach kids things that will help them in their lives, and they’re excited about it rather than just the same boring curriculum,” said Nicholas Myhre, technology robotics and eSports teacher at Pompano Beach Middle School. “I love teaching tech. This is where it’s at because you give them an opportunity to learn something that actually means something in the real world.”

In December, the Broward County School Board received $14 million from the U.S. Department of Education to support programs like the iCAN program and other magnet schools within Broward County.
The five academies in the iCAN program consist of aviation technology and computer engineering, which prepares students for careers such as pilots, aerospace engineers, air traffic controllers, and more. eSports and athletic sciences draw on fields such as physiology, biomechanics, and robotics. Information technology, communication, and broadcast arts teach software applications and digital communication. This program also has a law component where students examine the principles within the legal system and debate within a mini-courtroom setup. And finally, a hospitality and tourism academy.
“I choose to let students work hands-on and give them their own autonomy to work on projects and learn through action,” said Joseph Wells, who runs the communications and broadcast journalism program at the school. “It’s important that they learn responsibility and accountability through action because that is how it is in the real world.”
Payton Buggs, a student in the program, enjoys the challenge. “When you’re in the class, you can either debate or do a speech where we either memorize a poem or write an original oratory,” she said.

While students are free to choose which academy best suits them, all students are given the opportunity to learn with real world applications.
The tourism and entertainment academy focuses on travel, leisure, food, and lodging industries, which is a crucial part of South Florida’s economy,” Jennifer Morden, Pompano Beach Middle hospitality and tourism teacher, said.
“We’re trying to give them different career potentials that they probably don’t know of or not thinking about and we’re also working towards them being able to get career certification because it can help them get into a job easier,” Morden said.
Aside from the iCAN program, the school also offers Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum and dual enrollment with Broward College.
In the past five years, Pompano Beach Middle has undergone construction to meet the needs of its students, including developing the five academy networks. This included upgrades to the parking lot, media center, a new food service/multi-purpose center, and classroom upgrades.
“Pompano Beach Middle School is one of the older campuses in the city and our schooling now is different from when the building was built,” said Principal Lisa Livingston. “So most of the former school has been repurposed in order to meet our current needs.”
“We started with our original five academies, and things are still evolving within those academies,” said Livingston.
Despite the construction and the change in classroom structure, principal Livingston is hoping to expand upon the improvements for the sake of the education of her students. A firefighter iCAN academy recently started and will pipeline to the iCAN program at Blanche Ely High School.
If you are interested in having your child attend Pompano Beach Middle School, you can apply online at or contact the school directly at 754-322-4200.
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