BSO Deputy Saves Co-Workers Life

Community Pompano Beach Safety

Pompano Beach — Members of the Broward Sherriff’s Office work tirelessly to keep residents safe, but once in a while an officer goes above and beyond and can truly set themselves apart as a hero.

That was the case for BSO deputy Brandon Marston. On January 28, Marston responded to a two-vehicle crash at the 1500 block of S. Federal Highway. Courtney Spadafora, 30, was pushing her car into a nearby gas station after running out of gas. She was hit from behind by a vehicle and ran over, injuring her leg. She had life-threatening injuries and was close to bleeding to death.

Marston used his training and applied a tourniquet that would be essential in saving her life. The life he saved was the daughter of a co-worker, BSO community service aid Judy Smith.

Marston was awarded a city proclamation at a recent city commission meeting for his work and was called an “outstanding police officer” for his work that “really touches the heart,” according to Mayor Rex Hardin at the meeting.

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