Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 6
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. – NIV Version
In the Book of Genesis, scholars believe in the mosaic authorship even though the book ends three centuries before Moses’ birth.
Villij News
Marriage is expensive, and not saying “I’m sorry” is trying to maintain it on the cheap.
*You can’t put saying “I’m sorry” on layaway.
*You can’t get saying “I’m sorry” on discount.
*Saying “I’m sorry” never goes on sale.
Villij News
Today’s text is tailored to teach us that Eve thought it would make her wise, so she ate some of the fruit, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her. Then he ate it too.
Hold on Ladies…
Pump your brakes…I know some of y’all are saying when you get to Heaven you going to drag Eve…but, don’t drag her just yet…
Marriage is like taking a long road trip together and for a while you can be headed in the wrong direction, but going in the wrong direction is just as important to your destiny, as going in the right direction and when you can authentically admit to each other “I’m sorry,” it is here where you will hit the release button to the U-turns in your Marriage.
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All Marriages have garden moments where Satan tries to do two things:
#1 Make you doubt the words of your marriage,
#2 Make you deny the words of your marriage.
And you may be at a space and a place right now where it was once wine in your marriage, but now it’s WATER. The only one who can make that water turn into wine again is Jesus Christ, turn it over to Him.
Villij News
Remember this:
Marriage is the gymnasium that God gives you. Keep it healthy, drop your pride and say “I’m sorry.”
And that’s your One Minute in the Word!
Life Question
Are you in a position to say “I’m sorry” to your significant other, but you won’t?
Write down five things that are keeping you from saying “I’m sorry.” And ask God to help you remove these sarriers.
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