How to Deal with Trouble
By Reverend Timothy Griffith
I’m in the Book of Psalms, and it can sometimes read like it’s taken from old movies. The good guys are the Israelites, and they fight with the bad guys, which are the nations around them.
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The trouble with trouble is that it’s one of the easiest things to get into and the most difficult thing to get out of.
The text says in Psalms chapter 23, verse 4:
Even though, I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.
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Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Nation of Ukraine gives us a wonderful example of what we should do when trouble is not only at our doorstep, but it’s in our house.
1) Do we run from trouble?
2) Do we kill trouble?
3) Do we drown trouble?
4) Do we burn trouble up?
5) Do we squeeze the hell out of trouble?
6) Do we lock trouble up?
7) Do we learn how to face trouble?

The Apostle Paul dealt with trouble in Romans chapter 7, verse 21 and He said, “when I would do good, trouble or evil is always present.” Jesus dealt with trouble in John chapter 16, verse 33. He said, “In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” And in our text, David found himself in trouble. He was that little sheep that strayed from the fold, but God will give you comfort in your crisis.
Put down your rod and take up God’s rod, because his rod is your defense.
Time out! Pump ya breaks! Stop doing things your way and go God’s way because his staff is for your direction.
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The trouble that you’re facing at this moment, don’t throw in the towel, but keep standing because this too shall pass.
And that’s your One Minute in The Word. Listen, I’m not out of Word, I’m just out of lines, until the next issue know this… I’m Pulling for You and I’m Praying for You. God Bless You, Stay Connected.
Life’s Question: Are you happy with the results you’ve been getting with the trouble you’re facing? If not, then why don’t you try putting your trouble in the hands of God.
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