I’m in the Gospel of Mark and it shows us two attributes of Jesus Christ, we all should all possess, Service and Sacrifice.
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Be humble enough to know you’re not better than nobody and wise enough to know, I’m different from all the rest.
The text says in Mark Chapter 7 Verse 27, Jesus told her I should help my own family, the Jews. It isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.
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One sure sign of Christianity is how we handle the javelin of disrespect. Do we follow it….(No)
Do we fight it…. (No) or
Do we forbear it…..(Yes)
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April 7 2022, Ketanji Brown Jackson showed us how to handle disrespect on a major stage with the world watching. Don’t you act like a fool, when the fool is acting like a fool, because when the tape is reviewed the world will see who the real fool was.
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We’ve got to see disrespect for what it is, in the life of a runner, it’s only the hurdle, and if we focus on the hurdle, we will never get to the finish line. Disrespect shows up like a person on your job, who feels like every day they got to put you in your place, don’t ” Will Smith” ‘em,
smile at them!
This reminds me of our text this broken-hearted mother fell at the feet of Jesus and despite his words to her appearing to be disrespectful. She realized the place, she knew she had a problem, and she stayed focused on the plea. She did not respond with, “it takes a dog to know a dog”, but she responded even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the children’s plate, this statement arrested the conscious of Jesus because of this woman’s faith and as a result he healed her daughter.
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Don’t allow people’s disrespect to keep you from your blessing, sometimes disrespect is the last hurdle you must successfully cross to get to your breakthrough,
And that’s your “One minute in the Word” I’m not out of words, but I am out of lines, until the next issue know this, I’m pulling for you and I’m praying for you. God bless you. Stay Connected.

Life Question: Are you convinced that God will not hold us responsible for how others treat us, but He will hold us responsible for how we treat them.
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