Q: I’ve been with my girlfriend for five years now and things are pretty good. We don’t have any kids and enjoy traveling and eating out and just having a good time. She’s three years older than me and she’s been talking a lot about marriage and children lately. She’s 32 and I’m 29. I’ve been telling her that I do want to do these things with her, but I’m not ready. Well, we got into a big fight about it and I thought our relationship was about to be over, but what she did surprised me. My girlfriend proposed to me, she bought a ring, got down on one knee while we were out at one of our favorite restaurants. It was hella weird. I was embarrassed so I told everyone it was a prank and told her we’d talk about it later. Now she’s talking about moving out and ending our relationship. I love her, what should I do?
A: Wow. Women these days are on a whole other level. Sir, she got down on one knee?! I bet you felt like a sissy. As a woman, this is hard for me to look past, but I’m going to try and stay objective. First, she must have told you 1,000 times that she was ready to settle down. Being in a relationship together for five years is long enough to know whether or not you want to be with that person. Save that “I’m not ready” ish for your mami… because you ready when it’s time to go on them dates, you ready when it’s time to go to live together, and you ready when it’s time to hit the sheets. Women need security and she wants that from you and if you love her and want to be with her then propose, otherwise, I don’t see this relationship working out. She’s already emasculated you in public, spent her money on a ring, and you still said no. If you don’t bite the bullet and ask for her hand in marriage, it’s time to pack it up and say goodbye.
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