Q: We just moved into a new condo in a quiet neighborhood. I’m very proud of it, it’s my wife and I’s first home. The people in the community are friendly, but there’s one guy that my wife is too friendly with. When we moved in, the neighbor and his wife gave us a welcome gift and said they were from the HOA. OK. Fast forward two weeks and I come home on my lunch break and the neighbor is in my house fixing a closet door that to my knowledge wasn’t even broken. I asked my wife and she said that he came over and asked to check the door because the previous owner had issues with it. Since then, he comes over all the time, even when I’m home to check on us. She thinks he’s just being helpful, but I think he’s trying to get with my wife. Am I being insecure or is there something?
A: Chilleeee. This neighbor sounded fishy from the jump. Why are people bringing welcome gifts in 2023. This ain’t 1940 and we don’t bake pies for our neighbors. I hope he didn’t give you food, because if you ate it, you’re caught in his web. Your wife probably ate it because she’s sipping his Kool-Aid. Coming home and seeing him unexpectedly is a major red flag for me. I don’t like coming into MY HOME and seeing unexpected people – whether they are male, female or unknown. Why didn’t wifey call you and let you know that he was there? That’s between you and her. I don’t know what your sign is, but I’m petty. Neighbor would find me cutting his grass at 6 am in a bikini – all eyes on me, so he understands that I got my house in order – don’t worry about me and mines, unless you want me to take care of your wife. It’s time to give that nosey neighbor the business.
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